Lorrie Keeling
When you choose to make a career change in your 50’s, let’s face it…….you pick something you’re really passionate about….after all…the clock is ticking!!!!!! (☺) I’ve always had a passion for encouraging people and a love for architecture, design, the walls and rooms that make-up the place we all call home. I count it a true privilege to be a part of the process of selling, or buying what most of us consider the largest purchase we will probably ever make.
My ideal goal is to build a strong relationship with my clients and provide each of them the time and attention that makes their real estate experience stream-lined and as stress free as possible.
I attended Texas Christian University, where I studied Speech Communications/Public Relations. Understanding that no two clients require the same approach in the real estate process, my back ground in public relations can provide optimum balance and communication in each transaction.
I may be a late bloomer in the real estate garden, but I have made good use of my time. Studying and training about the current real estate trends (yes, I’m kind of a nerd) has enabled me to be one of the top producers in my office. I was awarded “Rookie Of The Year” by my office and asked to sit on the Executive Leadership Council my second year in production.
Enough about tooting my own horn (I know, I know Mom – sorry!!!!!), here’s some other facts you may like to know!
This past year I became designated as a Senior Real Estate Specialist (SRES), working with the 50+ community. Assisting them with the sale of their homes, providing vetted movers, estate sales and cleaning personal to help make their move into the next phase of their lives that much easier.
- I’m a person of faith (flawed but forgiven)
- I love my family (Shane, Hayden, Hunter, Rita, Jeannie, Mitch……..etc. – you get it!!!)
- I love sports (The older I get….The better I was!!!!)
- I love to cook (enjoy the eating part as well)
Why should I be your realtor???? In the words of Wayne Gretzsky, “you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” So, give it a shot – give me call – I’m ready to work for you.